The Syrian regime continues to restrict the movement of dissidents with travel bans. The latest victim is Suheir Atassi. (Arabic. ME Transparent, 6/28/06). Atassi is the head of The Atassi Forum for Democratic Dialogue, which was shut down by the Syrian regime last year and Atassi herself was arrested and questioned for a week after a letter from the exiled leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ali Sadreddine al-Bayanouni, was read in one of the Forum's meetings in May 2005.
The security services also raided the work place of political activist Bassam Badra in Tartous, and arrested him without providing any legal warrant or any explanation for the arrest. (Arabic. Elaph, 7/4/06). Lawyer and human rights activist Khalil Maatouq told Elaph that the arrest "means the continuation of the campaign by the security services to silence any voice or any dissenting view."
The campaign against intellectuals and writers also continues, and it was reported that writer and political activist Firas Saad was summoned on Monday (7/3) for questioning by the military intelligence unit. (Arabic. "Free Syria," 7/6/06). The summons came after a manifesto was put out by the National Initiative to End Corruption in Syria, which was founded by Saad in 2004. According to the report, Saad was held for questioning from 1PM until midnight.
Also, a press release by the Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) said that five college students and an employee, all from the Raqqa district, were arrested in Aleppo on June 11. (Arabic. "Free Syria," 7/1/06).